PowerBeats VR will Whoop (and Shape!) your Ass

Eleven's Channel
2 min readMar 20, 2021

I feel like vomiting, but in a good way.

Some people are still skeptical about VR being as good as a regular workout. But getting dressed up and going to the gym or for a run isn’t for everyone. This could be.

PowerBeats VR is a high-intensity VR fitness game where you box, dodge, and squat to the rhythm of energetic music.

It has similar gameplay to rhythm games like Beat Saber, where you have to hit round objects that fly at you to the beat of the music. Yet, PowerBeats VR has some added nuances, like lines, walls, and huge obstacles. It may look familiar:

Photo by https://tvseriesfinale.com

I did one round of expert mode and am shook that it was so captivating and made me work out as hard as I did. When I wasn’t punching hard enough, it would remind me in an encouraging yet typical video game announcer voice.

With the use of obstacles, like walls and mines, it really forces you to get out of the way or it’ll make you pay in points and a painful looking red screen (think Duke Nukem when his vision gets blurry with blood).

Fellow lazy ass? Well sorry, you can’t stand in one spot to hit the objects. You need to move left and right, squat and hop on your tippy toes to reach. It’ll literally have you flailing.

The haptics in the controllers were useful for helping identify if you actually hit an object. It’s a boring off and off buzz, but it does help.

Price is $25 on Steam or you can play it for free if you have a Viveport subscription. It comes with 24 songs, and you can play your own tunes, which is a huge bonus.

Rating: Shweaty-tastic 7.2 out of 10
Played on Quest 2 via Steam



Eleven's Channel

Objectively better than 10. Rivaling 12. I play VR games and rate them.